
If you have been arrested for shoplifting or a violation of Connecticut General Statutes § 53a-125b Larceny 6th degree CT, it is essential to retain a Stamford shoplifting attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights. Surveillance evidence that could vindicate you may exist. It is imperative to take immediate aggressive legal action to force stores to preserve any exculpatory evidence before it is lost or erased. Shoplifting may seem like a minor crime, but the state’s attorney takes shoplifting charges seriously, and a guilty plea or conviction can have significant consequences upon your future reputation and employment prospects, not to mention the possibility of jail time, probation and fines. That is why you need a zealous advocate with 28 years of experience in defending shoplifting allegations in Stamford on your side. Contact the Law Offices of Allan F. Friedman today for your free initial consultation/case evaluation.
With the rise of internet shopping, brick and mortar stores and shopping malls are facing ever-shrinking profit margins. They are investing heavily in loss prevention efforts to curb losses due to stolen goods. For this reason, we have seen an explosion in shoplifting arrests in the Fairfield County area. In many national chain stores, they have employed facial recognition software to identify suspects when they enter the store. We understand that often people can be wrongfully accused of shoplifting, who had no intention to steal anything. Walking out of a store and accidentally forgetting to pay for one item because you were distracted by your children, for example, is not a crime. Intention to steal is a required element of the crime of shoplifting. Stamford shoplifting lawyer Allan F. Friedman will fight for your rights and explore every option to try and have your charges reduced or dismissed.
Why Choose the Law Offices of Allan F. Friedman?- Most shoplifting arrests take place during evening hours and on the weekends that is why we are available 24/7 – 365 days a year
- 28 years of experience defending 6th degree larceny arrests
- We fight for your rights and focus on results that work
- Free initial consultation case evaluation
- Reasonable rates / fixed flat-rate fees
- Non-judgmental treatment and personalized attention
Shoplifting arrests work a little differently than most other types of criminal investigations. With shoplifting cases, the first contact usually is with a store’s loss prevention team, which will detain you, with force if necessary, and conduct their investigation. At the same time, they await the arrival of police officers to respond to the store. You have the absolute right to remain silent, refuse to answer any questions, and insist on speaking to a Stamford shoplifting attorney before you answer any questions. When the police arrive, you are only required to provide your name and address. Do not make any statements. Do not be fooled by police tactics or promises to “go easy on you if you cooperate.” They are building a case against you, so don’t assist them. Everything you say can be used against you. Refuse to answer any questions or request an opportunity to call a criminal attorney in Stamford, CT before you answer any questions.
What Is Shoplifting?In most cases, shoplifting in Connecticut is charged as 6th degree larceny. There is no specific crime of “shoplifting”; it is a type of larceny. Forms of shoplifting include:
- Taking goods from a store with the intention of leaving without paying
- Concealing unpurchased goods within a store
- Altering or removing price tags
- Under ringing merchandise at self -check out isles
- Returning items under false pretense
Based upon the value of the goods alleged to have been stolen, a shoplifting crime can be charged anywhere from a relatively minor class C misdemeanor which has a maximum penalty of 3 months in jail and or a $500 fine all the way up to a Class B Felony which can be punished by up to 20 years in prison and or a $15,000 fine. The level of the offense charged is based upon the value of the property stolen.
Deg. | Value of Property | Classification of Crime |
First | Over $20,000 | Class B felony |
Second | Over $10,000 | Class C felony |
Third | Over $2,000 | Class D felony |
Fourth | Over $1,000 | Class A misdemeanor |
Fifth | Over $500 | Class B misdemeanor |
Sixth | Up to $500 | Class C misdemeanor |
No matter the type or level of shoplifting crime you are charged with, let our 28 years of experience as a shoplifting attorney serving Stamford go to work to get the best possible result for your case.
Resolution of Shoplifting ChargesThe good news is that many shoplifting offenders are first-time offenders and often, we are able to present a strong argument of mitigation and explanation and have the charges dismissed in exchange for community service hours or a charitable donation. We have found after representing hundreds of first-time shoplifting offenders that many could be going through significant stress factors in their life at the time of the offense that leads them to a momentary lapse of judgment. These psychological factors may have effected their concentration and judgment at the time of the arrest. Usually, the incident was an isolated event in an otherwise law-abiding life. Often a skilled criminal attorney in Stamford, CT can use these psychological mitigations to help achieve a more favorable resolution.
A second option for resolution of first-offender shoplifting charges is the accelerated rehabilitation program. Here is a link to an article we wrote with more information about the details of the accelerated rehabilitation program and what goes into preparing a winning argument for admission into the program. If you are granted the accelerated rehabilitation program and successfully complete the program requirements all the charges will be dismissed. Due to the stigma attached to any shoplifting or larceny conviction and its effects on your ability to secure future employment, housing, or getting into educational institutions, it is imperative to obtain a dismissal of all shoplifting charges against you whenever possible.
Prior Shoplifting / Larceny Convictions – Persistent Larceny OffendersFor those who are charged with shoplifting that have a prior criminal record for any form of larceny, our strategy is different than for the first time offenders. Connecticut has enacted some quite severe enhanced penalties for repeat larceny offenders. If you have two prior convictions for larceny, then a third conviction for shoplifting can be enhanced to a D felony-level offense and punishable by up to five years in jail. Those who have prior larceny convictions need to contact an experienced Stamford shoplifting attorney who can fight to protect your rights, identify any defenses to the charges, and negotiate a reduction in the charges.
If you have been charged with a shoplifting crime, you should speak with a Stamford criminal lawyer as soon as possible to go over the details of your arrest. With 28 years of experience in defense of shoplifting charges in Stanford, Attorney Allan F. Friedman can give you sound legal advice. Was your arrest lawful? Have your constitutional rights been violated? Our objective is to use every means possible to have the charges dismissed or thrown out, or significantly reduce the charges.
Contact Us Today!We work on a reasonable fixed flat fee basis. Call Attorney Friedman at (203) 357-5555 to schedule a free initial consultation and case evaluation – we are available 24/7 - 365 days a year. Or you can contact them online for a prompt response.
Our office is conveniently located one block from the Stamford Court house.